Saturday, January 10, 2009

People, people, people....let's get it together!

So, as I age, I grow less and less tolerant of "bad people". "Bad people" to me have the following characteristics:
*lacking a back-bone (though I have no problems with reptiles, just humans lacking one)
*negative nancies (every word sounds like a whine, and the world is against them)

Lying is purely unacceptable to me. I learned at a very young age that I was a horrible liar, and that I might as well just tell the truth. As difficult as that can be sometimes (most times, I admit, I have no problem doing it), I think it's better overall. Get it out, deal with the punishment, eat your humble pie and move on.

In my youth, I encountered many liars. My brothers were two of the best liars ever conceived. However, as I get older, I realize that I cannot be friends with liars. If you lie to me, no matter how small, that shows incredible cowardice, and willingness to betray or deceive. I don't think I'm shallow for disallowing these people in my life. I just know what I can deal with, and what I cannot.

Oh, and people who flip others off while they are driving are the worst!

I don't mean to rant. I'm in a great mood. I'm just realizing that I enjoy my own company far too much, and I'd rather be alone, than be with people who fall as humans. I truly think that's fair. This line gets blurry when the people are my students. However, I think adolescence is the perfect time to learn values, and characteristics that will help you in the future. I don't feel like a 17 year old is at their prime in life, and it's part of my job to help teach them things beyond key signatures and the art of the messa di voce.

Friday, January 2, 2009

feeling better

Today I'm feeling much better. I've come to realize how normal it is for folks my age to question themselves. I'm not going to ever stop my desire to be somewhere else, but I'm just not quite ready yet.

I had my last day of vacation today, and spent it eating sushi, getting a pedicure, and taking my dog for a much-needed walk/run. I don't know that I will ever have children of my own, so I must look to my dog every so often for a refresher on how to have fun. She can run, jump and catch a frisbee for hours without tiring. She can also sleep for days on the couch with no worries. I felt it was time to take her out for a special day. It's been so cold lately, and the brick walks glazed with ice. Today, however, was the perfect day to stroll about town, and spy in windows. Don't act like you don't do it, at least a little.