Saturday, January 10, 2009

People, people, people....let's get it together!

So, as I age, I grow less and less tolerant of "bad people". "Bad people" to me have the following characteristics:
*lacking a back-bone (though I have no problems with reptiles, just humans lacking one)
*negative nancies (every word sounds like a whine, and the world is against them)

Lying is purely unacceptable to me. I learned at a very young age that I was a horrible liar, and that I might as well just tell the truth. As difficult as that can be sometimes (most times, I admit, I have no problem doing it), I think it's better overall. Get it out, deal with the punishment, eat your humble pie and move on.

In my youth, I encountered many liars. My brothers were two of the best liars ever conceived. However, as I get older, I realize that I cannot be friends with liars. If you lie to me, no matter how small, that shows incredible cowardice, and willingness to betray or deceive. I don't think I'm shallow for disallowing these people in my life. I just know what I can deal with, and what I cannot.

Oh, and people who flip others off while they are driving are the worst!

I don't mean to rant. I'm in a great mood. I'm just realizing that I enjoy my own company far too much, and I'd rather be alone, than be with people who fall as humans. I truly think that's fair. This line gets blurry when the people are my students. However, I think adolescence is the perfect time to learn values, and characteristics that will help you in the future. I don't feel like a 17 year old is at their prime in life, and it's part of my job to help teach them things beyond key signatures and the art of the messa di voce.

1 comment:

  1. Alas, I too am a terrible liar. My mom could always take one look at my face and just bust me right there when I wasn't telling the truth, so I just quit trying. Perhaps it's because I, myself am such a lousy liar, but I have always been particularly resentful of people who lie to me. I sincerely hate that.
